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Karina Is Mummified In Red Packing Tape
0.00034 BTC

D K Bondage - Karina Is Mummified In Red Packing Tape

Clip Description

In this clip we use red packing tape to totally mummify karina. The red tape differs from the thin brown tape that we all use to fasten parcels only in its colour. Thin and with an incredible ability to stick itself back to its roll, packing tape is very difficult from which to get free.
karina starts off the mummification process on herself by wearing tights to protect her skin from the excessive tackiness of the tape's glue. Then she self-wraps her legs until she can wrap no further.
watch with us as we film karina disappearing under a layer of the red tape. Her feet and toes are almost the last to disappear, followed, at last, by a red and black hood.
by the end of the process karina can barely move any part of her body, except her toes!

Clip Duration:      31 minutes
Format Size
wmv283.91 MB

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D K Bondage - Karina Is Mummified In Red Packing Tape

D K Bondage - Karina Is Mummified In Red Packing Tape

D K Bondage - Karina Is Mummified In Red Packing Tape

D K Bondage - Karina Is Mummified In Red Packing Tape

D K Bondage - Karina Is Mummified In Red Packing Tape

D K Bondage - Karina Is Mummified In Red Packing Tape
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after inspecting all the straps, buckles and other metalwork karina opens up the full-length zip, pulls on the leather sensory deprivation hood and climbs into the bodybag, making sure that her arms slide into the inner sleeves that will prevent any later movement.

we pull the zip up her body but it is a very tight fit and needs all the extra straps to be loosened before the zip can be fully closed.  Now the straps are retightened and karina can barely move.  However, those of you who have bought our clips before know that we are rarely satisfied where tightness is concerned and it is no time at all before, one-by-one, a set of thick leather straps are pushed, pulled and tightened at intervals up her body.

the leather hood is also relaced and fully tightened and all the straps buckled in place.  After taking some photographs the straps have warmed up and stretched a little.  As if we needed an excuse to tighten them further!

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the clip starts with karina in a tight latex catsuit.  She opens out a ******** bag and climbs into it.  The straps under the bag are all tightened up and then a latex sack that karina did not see is pulled up over the ******** bag.

unable to stop us, a rubber gasmask is fitted and connected to a bubbler bottle.  The latex sack is then fully closed.  Karina is not at all sure about this!  After a few minutes the bubbler bottle is disconnected and the breathing apparatus is reconnected.  Placing a thumb over a little hole in the tubing has a remarkable effect on karina - one that she had not counted on feeling.

when we eventually disconnect the tubing and open the latex sack karina is in a profound state of bliss. :)  We hope that you enjoy this clip and hope that karina will soon be back for more.

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Fi Is Struggling In Her Bondage - Fi is wearing a heavy rubber straitjacket and pvc thigh boots.

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Alais In Breast Press And Extreme Rubber Hood - Alais is wearing the extreme rubber hood, a wooden breast press and thigh high rubber boots.  All we hear is her breathing.
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buy the clip and find out the surprise ending to this clip.

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